Dear CMC Community,
At 2:35 a.m. Campus Safety witnessed a suspicious person on the east end of 6th Street near the Biszantz Tennis Center who appeared to be harassing students. The suspect was seen getting into the passenger side of a black Escalade. Although incidents of a man exposing himself to students have been reported in the past, this recent incident appears to have been a woman in a trench coat exposing herself as (mostly) male students passed by.
While past incidents have been promptly reported with great detail, Campus Safety is alarmed by the lack of concern shown towards the recent events. No reports have been officially filed, and upon reaching out to the community, Campus Safety found students to be uncooperative and received such responses as, “Yeah I saw her, she was totally hot,” and “I think I’ve seen her working at the Tropic…. I mean, In & Out” both from male students who did not want to be identified. There were also reports of “dolla dolla billz” being thrown in the woman’s direction. Campus Safety found such statements to be unhelpful in identifying the woman.

The Dean of Students office would like to remind students to be vigilant and that any form of indecent exposure is both unacceptable and unlawful. We also advise against congregating on the east end of 6th Street and would like to remind students that the area will be heavily patrolled by Campus Safety this coming weekend.
Any additional information is greatly appreciated by the Dean of Students office as well as Campus Safety.
Dean Spellmanson
– Haley Patoski ’14 CMC