Here’s one school that won’t be beat. Fresh off the news that Harvey Mudd College (HMC) has fallen to third in terms of return on investment, HMC officials have announced a plan to claw its way back up to the top: eliminate all non-Computer Science (or “n-CS”) majors. Though details are still preliminary, the initial plan calls for the removal of any major without “Computer Science” in the title.
For some, the move was long overdue. “I mean, we’ve been encouraging everyone to go into CS anyway”, said unabashed CS major Arthur Finks ‘19, “Just recently I found out we had other departments at all. This whole time, we’ve had departments taking away resources from Computer Science…it’s a problem that needed addressing”. Still, not everyone is convinced the change will do all that much.
The change is largely cosmetic for many aspects of Mudd. Thankfully, things like the career fair won’t require any changes at all. Most Engineering majors aren’t surprised: an estimated 98%of all Engineering jobs are actually based in software. They aren’t the only lucky former n-CS majors who will benefit from this change. Majors in subjects like Chemistry and Physics no longer have to worry about feeling lesser compared to their more lucrative counterparts: they now simply won’t exist.
Not everyone is looking forward to the change. “I’m shattered”, said Melissa Lugano ‘18, recently declared Biology major. “If there were any other Biology majors here, we would protest. What are the Bio profs supposed to do?”
Neither of the HMC Biology professors were available for comment at the time of publication.
David Tenorio is a senior Engineering major at Harvey Mudd. Well, was a senior Engineering major, evidently.