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Introducing the 5C Class of 2020 by the Numbers


4 out of 5: number of incoming CMC first years that attended TNC as prospies who have already knowingly described it to classmates as “lit”

3: number of first years who have already lost their lanyard and have ordered another to be shipped to their school mailbox (All of them are from Marin County)

1998: the year many of them were born. This means they never knew a world without Windows 98 or the ‘98 Subaru Legacy!!

43: number current students that that one guy has already added on Facebook

26: The average number of related artists listened to on Spotify in order to find an indie rave band that’s obscure enough to make them look like they have diverse music taste while still guaranteeing at least 5 likes and 2 responses on the 5C Concert Series page

9: The number of students who are secretly hoping to meet their college bae at the Bay Area student meet up

1: That one person from Sturgis, South Dakota who really REALLY wishes there was a 5C meet up near them

77: The number of incense burners already purchased by Pitzer first years

10: The average number of clubs every first year has openly committed to joining at the club fair

0.37: The average number of clubs said first years will actually join

2: Total number of hits taken by the guy who asked what they meant by “do you smoke?” on the housing form

4: number of Pitzer first years who will declare that “the Moreno party was so my vibe” before drunkenly grinding on other 18-year-olds at the Frosh Aid Dance

670: total hours spent on College Prowler to “get a feel for what Claremont is really like”

53: Number of “is anybody else in the Bay Area this weekend?” posts in the Claremont Consortium facebook group.

4: Number of Pitzer freshmen just wondering if anybody else wants to go to Coachella this year

178: Pairs of Birkenstocks waiting for new students in mail rooms across campus

80: Percent of students who have crushes on their RAs

100: Percent of RAs who have selected which freshmen they plan to sleep with


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