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My TikTok Got 4000 Views: Here’s How I’m Coping With All the Fame


I was just like you, believe it or not. Once, I was young, innocent, hopeful, and optimistic. Optimistic about what, you ask? Optimistic that someday, an ordinary, small town girl like me could make it big. But then it all happened so suddenly. I didn’t even know how I was supposed to feel. One day I was just a regular old college student at home bored out of my mind, and the next minute, my very first TikTok got a whopping 4,000 views. Here’s how I’m coping with all the fame. 

My TikTok got 4,000 views, so my main focus is staying relatable and not letting all the fame get to my head. So, every day I stand in front of the mirror and repeat my daily affirmations:

I am special, but not any more special even though my Tik Tok has 4,000 views.

I am a hero, but not any more of a hero even though my Tik Tok has 4,000 views.

I am exceptional, but not any more exceptional even though my Tik Tok has 4,000 views.

Even though my TikTok got 4,000 views, there are some rules that just can’t be broken. So yes, I’m still in my house. But when I dare to step outside to get just a glimpse of fresh air, of course, I have to wear sunglasses. You have no idea how crazy paparazzi are, even in the face of a global pandemic. And I don’t just mean any old sunglasses: I’ve got big ones so most of my face is covered. Can’t a girl get just a glimpse of privacy anymore?

I’m not going to lie to you because like you, I’m still just an ordinary girl even though unlike you, my literal first ever TikTok got a whole 4,000 views. It has been hard to keep from daydreaming about where the future could take me when I have so much schoolwork to do. Sometimes when I’m writing an essay, I’ll stop typing to glance off longingly into the distance and envision how hard life is going to be when quarantine ends and we’re allowed out of our houses. 

What if the attention becomes unbearable? What if I fall into the classic star story of alcoholism and unplanned pregnancies and broken relationships? Honestly, it’s really scary stuff. But then I remind myself that I’m really lucky to have such a wonderful support system who accepts me, despite all this newfound fame. I’m still me! I’m still totally normal! 

I’m just facing a new challenge, and that challenge is reminding myself that oh my god, I know, it’s crazy that I had never even made a TikTok before and this one got 4,000 whole entire views which means that yes, I have to accept that I’m funny and talented but no! I’m still cool and chill. Just a regular old TikTok star, you know? I ask you humbly: please, don’t treat me differently. 


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