
The Effects of the Pomexit Continues: Pomona College to Relocate


Over a year ago, current senior Forrest Thompson lead the controversial movement called the Pomexit. After this successful historic vote, Pomona students decided that their college would be leaving their campus location and relocate to the wonderful city of Pomona— but not like in the actual city, probably a little bit closer to the suburbs.

Everyone thought that this movement had died after a successful vote; however, after a student leaked that Pomona is the only Twitter verified college from the consortium, pandemonium ensued. A new sense of pride and pretentiousness arose from the campus, as the students wanted to use this new fame for good.

“I just really want to use the verification to give back to the less fortunate. I mean like Pomona can just tweet out asking for people to donate biscuits for low income families and like since we have that blue check next to our handle, they’ll do it” says Pomona first year Jessica Griffin.

Since the news has leaked, students have been seen marching the streets of 6th and College Way, harmoniously chanting “Twitter verified! Until we move, we won’t be satisfied!”

Pomona Politics major, Erik Andersen ‘19 questions why Pomona is still located in Claremont. “As a politics major, I always have to be thinking about the future and helping out the community around me. Honestly our college has done so much community service to the other colleges by like being better than them and giving them so much stuff. Like every time there’s a Pitzer kid in one of my classes, I just feel the need to invite them to a study group. It’s like Teach for America, but on the local level.”

The face of the movement, Thompson, feels that “We need to go back to our home that is the beautiful city of Pomona and give back to the community that once helped us grow to who we’ve become. Some people when they get verified on Twitter, they don’t do anything with it. But we want to use this honor and distinction for good, and make sure that we are doing the most we can to give back.”

President Gabbi Star commented on the issue, “I have heard plea after plea after plea about how students feel ever since they found out Pomona is Twitter verified. The main concern is that students want the college to go back to it’s roots. They no longer feel the need to serve the Claremont Community because we have sufficiently fostered them by giving them the association of being next to one of Forbes’ top colleges.”

Please consider signing the petition Relocate Pomona College to the City of Pomona, so that these students can feel listened to, despite the fact that their parents are constantly giving them validation.


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