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Why I Started Pegging This 2020, and Why You Should Too


A very close friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous has recently introduced me to the concept of pegging. I have taken on the challenge of pegging for this new year, and although I’m far from an expert, I believe that the aforementioned friend’s hands-on approach launched me into the world of pegging. While I do feel qualified to give some small tips and thoughts I’ve learned so far, please take everything I say with a grain of salt. I reiterate, I am no expert! Like Caillou, each day I learn some more. I am but a confident beginner in the deep, glorious, and pleasurable world of pegging practices.

So, without further ado, here is but a sample of all the wonderful benefits that pegging has brought into my life:

  1. Stress reduction. My day-to-day anxieties have drastically decreased with the new organisational purpose that pegging has given me.
  2. An increased sense of control over your life. No more do I float aimlessly through my days! I am a strong independent young woman who knows how to take control!
  3. I know it seems intimidating at first, but it really isn’t a very big learning curve. In January alone I easily slipped into a simple pegging routine.
  4. Once you figure out how to relax into it, it’s way easier than you’d think. I know it seems complicated, but when you are using your own personal method and organisational system, it really makes sense.
  5. Pro tip: don’t be afraid to do your research! Watch informational videos! Just google it and you should find in depth examples easily!

I know that pegging is a niche interest (used most by builders and craftsmen I believe), but I think we need to break down the barriers and open pegging to the world. If your child is struggling in school, encourage them to become a pegging hobbyist! It’s great for group settings, like birthday parties and Sunday School! I am certain that even the PTA will be pegging in no time!

So go get out there! Head over to your local Lowe’s or Home Depot [not sponsored 🙁 ], pick yourself up a pegboard, and get going! And if there are no pegboards available, a corkboard should work too! In fact, I would probably call the practice corking, but we all know what inappropriate connotations that term holds, so I decided to go for the more innocuous ‘pegging’. If even one person picks up pegging because of my influence, I will know that my life has been a success.


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