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5 Outfits for Introverted People


Fall is in the air, and that means for many, it’s time to trade pool parties for Netflix parties and regular human interaction for your bong and a loaf of pumpkin bread. But for introverts in sunny Southern California, it can be hard to show people that just because you look good, doesn’t mean you want to talk to them. Here are some outfits to help them take a hint:

1. Chain Mail
Nothing says “don’t talk to me” like a suit of medieval armor. Plus, you’re safe from archers.
2. Hamster balls
You know, those things that you go in that are like big clear hamster balls but you go on water in them and they kind of roll around. Idk what they’re called but they’re probably good.
3. A cloud of mysterious fog
Perfect for those nights when there’s a chill in the air. Accessorize with spooky background music and flip flops.
4. The flesh of an extrovert
Don’t worry, no one will be able to tell. Just smile and wave.
5. Keens
Rock those bad boys.


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